Our Services

Reserch & Develoment
Green Dye Solutions LLC, (GDS) was established as a collaborative effort of Palette by Nature (PBN) and NIG , Magdeburg, Germany. ( NIG). The idea was the development of extraction and standardization procedures for natural dye extracts as a base for modern dyeing technologies. As a result of this research, NIG was able to produce very unique highly concentrated dye extracts that have color intensities comparable to synthetic dyes The ligand binding of highly purified natural dyes is at the core of Green Dye Solutions. GDS technological platform is based on integration of “super pure” NIG dyes and “ligand binded PBN hair dye technology”. Over the last couple of years the GDS industrial capacities were brought to a large scale offering jointly developed dye concentrates and ligand binded dye delivery systems. Current developments are – multiple types of gradual -one step natural hair coloring products. Our main type of partnership is with companies of “Natural Cosmetics”. Who has established marketing channels but do not possess natural hair coloring products in their product lines. GDS was able to resolve two fundamental problems of natural hair dyes- color intensity (i.e. gray coverage) and color reproducibility

Uninterrupted Supply of Ligand-Binded Dye Concentates
NIG became a major producer and developer of natural dye extracts from traceable, transparent, and renewable sources. Currently, NIG provides the full spectrum of services from customer support and application advice to the development of new methods of advanced extraction and purification of natural dyes. NIG also is working on the research and development of new analytical techniques pertaining to natural dyes. Over the years NIG has
developed a worldwide network of partners for growing and producing dye raw materials and/or semi-finished products and is able to scale up the production on demand.
As a result of NIG’s recent partnership with PBN both companies are actively engaged in joint research, application, and development of new technologies and advanced purification of natural dyes aiming specifically for the coloring of human hair under Green Dye Solutions.e can provide complete transparency and traceability to the source.On the course of our collaborative efforts with agricultural communities, GDS expanded capacities to produce several metric tons of purified natural dyes per growing season

Keepinging in Business
It was determined that color intensity and reproducibility largely depend upon the purity and concentration of the natural chromophore. It also was elucidated that if natural chromophore is purified and concentrated to the level of synthetic dyes (this has become a reality due to the application of modern extraction technologies and purification) the vibrancy of natural dye can be achieved to similar levels as a synthetic dye. Most of the developmental and marketing failures of hair coloring companies in attempts to produce successful high-performing natural colorants for the mass market are largely attributed to these 2 factors- color intensity and color reproducibility. natural hair dyes- color intensity (i.e. gray coverage) and color reproducibility.Over the last couple of years the GDS industrial capacities were brought to a large scale offering jointly developed dye concentrates and ligand binded dye delivery systems. Current developments are – multiple types of gradual -one step natural hair coloring products, Natural Essentials – for complete replacement of synthetic dyes from the hair care formulations as well as durable, reproducible and calibrated hair colorants. GDS is engaged in collaborative efforts within multiple personal care companies from Europe, India and Asia. GDS is also actively involved with EU agricultural communities for organic certification of dye plant agricultural fields and processing.
Alex Vainshelboim, Ph.D, President, Heinz-Jürgen Weiland, CEO, Dipl. Eng., & Axel Wahling, CTO, Dipl. Eng.

Palette by Nature
Based on the United States Patent 8,034,126, patented technology Palette by Nature LLC (PBN) was established in Plymouth, MN, USA. The product line at first comprised 15 SKUs and was launched in 2010 after rigorous salon and safety testing. Same year PBN was approached in collaborative efforts by the Department of Dermatology at Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale, AZ. An entire PBN product line went through clinical and safety trials at Mayo and was recommended as a “safe alternative to conventional hair dye”. PBN was included in the US National Allergology Database. The brand is still in the Database as one of the “last resort alternatives” for people with multiple allergic reactions to hair dye. Over several years PBN line was tested at NYU, UVM, Boston Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, University of Manitoba, Canada, Australasian College of Dermatology, and included in allergology databases in many countries. The PBN product line grew to 55 SKUs and now contains nearly 100 SKUs. Initially, the PBN line was distributed through multiple chains of small hair salons and health food stores in MN, WI, and IL. Many of these channels are still active to this day. In 2013 the PBN product line was awarded a “Premium Vendor” status at “Whole Foods”. PNB has been distributed throughout Whole Foods Midwest. This program lasted until the 2018 Whole Foods purchase by Amazon. The main marketing channel is online sales. PBN is known in nearly 50 countries and is being distributed worldwide.
PBN technology is constantly evolving. Despite its small size, the PBN is constantly involved in “natural dye research”, and “all-natural hair color development”. Last few years our research efforts were aimed at the reproducibility of “shade”, decreasing scalp staining, the increased vibrancy of natural colorants, multiple technology scale-up, and cost reduction.
It was determined that color intensity and reproducibility largely depend upon the purity and concentration of the natural chromophore. It also was elucidated that if natural chromophore is purified and concentrated to the level of synthetic dyes (this has become a reality due to the application of modern extraction technologies and purification) the vibrancy of natural dye can be achieved to similar levels as a synthetic dye. Nonetheless , the reproducibility of natural hair color is the biggest problem in the development of liquid all-natural hair colorants. Most of the developmental and marketing failures of hair coloring companies in attempts to produce successful high-performing natural colorants for the mass market are largely attributed to these 2 factors- color intensity and color reproducibility.
Green Dye Solutions
Green Dye Solutions LLC, (GDS) was established as a collaborative effort of Palette by Nature (PBN) and NIG , Magdeburg, Germany. ( NIG) The ligand binding of highly purified natural dyes is at the core of Green Dye Solutions. GDS technological platform is based on integration of “super pure” NIG dyes and “ligand binded PBN hair dye technology”.
PBN is always actively involved in the rigorous sourcing of natural dyes. Due to the specificity of the dye supply market, the source and manufacturer are not always available. It made it very difficult to find a dye-producing partner. It also was difficult to fit within the “Transparency” and “Traceability” requirements of many organic certifiers. But in reality-PBN was using high-performing natural dyes from a Wisconsin-based distributor without knowing that these dyes are made by NIG Magdeburg in Germany. It became apparent after the formal introduction of PBN-NIG in 2021. We have been working together ever since.
NIG has been working with natural dyes for non-food applications since 1995. The idea was the development of extraction and standardization procedures for natural dye extracts as a base for modern dyeing technologies. As a result of this research, NIG was able to produce very unique highly concentrated dye extracts that have color intensities comparable to synthetic dyes. The main objective of these technological achievements was the development of highly effective, economical dye compositions for protein-based fibers such as wool, silk, or human hair.
In 1997 NIG developed a patented process (WO0012108A1 TROCKENEXTRAKT AUS DER HENNAPFLANZE, VERFAHREN ZU DESSEN HERSTELLUNG UND DESSEN VERWENDUNG) for the production of a high concentrated Henna extracts that were used for many years by the German company LOGOCOS, a leader of natural hair coloring and organic cosmetics in Europe,
NIG became a major producer and developer of natural dye extracts from traceable, transparent, and renewable sources. Currently, NIG provides the full spectrum of services from customer support and application advice to the development of new methods of advanced extraction and purification of natural dyes. NIG also is working on the research and development of new analytical techniques pertaining to natural dyes. Over the years NIG has
developed a worldwide network of partners for growing and producing dye raw materials and/or semi-finished products and is able to scale up the production on demand.
As a result of NIG’s recent partnership with PBN both companies are actively engaged in joint research, application, and development of new technologies and advanced purification of natural dyes aiming specifically for the coloring of human hair under Green Dye Solutions.
Over the last couple of years the GDS industrial capacities were brought to a large scale offering jointly developed dye concentrates and ligand binded dye delivery systems. Current developments are – multiple types of gradual -one step natural hair coloring products, Natural Essentials – for complete replacement of synthetic dyes from the hair care formulations as well as durable, reproducible and calibrated hair colorants. GDS is engaged in collaborative efforts within multiple personal care companies from Europe, India and Asia. GDS is also actively involved with EU agricultural communities for organic certification of dye plant agricultural fields and processing. Therefore we can provide complete transparency and traceability to the source.On the course of our collaborative efforts with agricultural communities, GDS expanded capacities to produce several metric tons of purified natural dyes per growing season.
Our main type of partnership is with companies of “Natural Cosmetics”. Who has established marketing channels but do not possess natural hair coloring products in their product lines. GDS was able to resolve two fundamental problems of natural hair dyes- color intensity (i.e. gray coverage) and color reproducibility. Those two solutions to the major technological problems are enabling GDS partners to establish successful natural hair coloring business, development of new products and most importantly, helping to successfully stay in business in years to come.